05.06.24 Golf Tournament
Monday, May 6, 2024 (7:00 AM - 5:30 PM) (CDT)
The BOMA Greater Dallas Annual Golf Tournament is almost here.
For those Real Estate Members that do not want to play on a foursome team, join us at a much-reduced price to come as a Spectator. Get all the fun, laughs, food, drink, and networking without playing.
This event was organized by the Networking Committee.
EXCLUSIVE Golf Cocktail / Bar Sponsor
Golf Hole Sponsor
Golf Drink / Snack Cart Sponsor
EXCLUSIVE Golf Driving Range Sponsor

Golf Closest to the Pin Sponsor
Golf Straightest Drive Sponsor
Golf Longest Drive Sponsor

EXCLUSIVE Golf Hot Dog Station Sponsor
Golf Cart Sponsor
EXCLUSIVE Golf Breakfast Sponsor
EXCLUSIVE Golf Bloody Mary & Mimosa Bar Sponsor
Registrations Available to Attend:
Member Foursome Team: $900.
Real Estate Member Spectator: $25.
Sponsorships Available:
EXCLUSIVE Cocktail / Bar Sponsor (Limit - 1): $1,500
Hole Sponsor (Limit - 18): $1,250
Drink / Snack Cart (Limit - 2): $1,000
EXCLUSIVE Driving Range Sponsor (Limit - 1): $1,000
Closest to the Pin Sponsor (Limit - 3): $1,000
Straightest Drive Sponsor (Limit - 2): $1,000
Longest Drive Sponsor (Limit - 2): $1,000
EXCLUSIVE Hot Dog Station Sponsor (Limit - 1): $1,000
Golf Cart Sponsor (Limit - 3): $750
EXCLUSIVE Breakfast Sponsor (Limit - 1): $750
EXCLUSIVE Bloody Mary & Mimosa Bar Sponsor (Limit - 1): $500
(If you are not a dues-paying Member but one of your co-workers at your firm is, ask them to register you through their Membership profile to get Member rates. Contact the BOMA Staff to request a "Courtesy Invoice" to pay by check. Once the check is received and processed by staff, your registration or sponsorship will be complete. You are not considered registered or a sponsor until paid in full and processed. For faster service, pay by credit card 365/24/7.)
1901 W. Royal Ln
Irving, TX 75063 United States