Bowling Tournament

05.06.24 Golf Tournament

Monday, May 6, 2024 (7:00 AM - 5:30 PM) (CDT)


The BOMA Greater Dallas Annual Golf Tournament is almost here.

For those Real Estate Members that do not want to play on a foursome team, join us at a much-reduced price to come as a Spectator. Get all the fun, laughs, food, drink, and networking without playing.


This event was organized by the Networking Committee.


Registrations Available to Attend:

Member Foursome Team: $900.

Real Estate Member Spectator: $25.

Sponsorships Available:

EXCLUSIVE Cocktail / Bar Sponsor (Limit - 1): $1,500

Hole Sponsor (Limit - 18): $1,250

Drink / Snack Cart (Limit - 2): $1,000

EXCLUSIVE Driving Range Sponsor (Limit - 1): $1,000

Closest to the Pin Sponsor (Limit - 3): $1,000

Straightest Drive Sponsor (Limit - 2): $1,000

Longest Drive Sponsor (Limit - 2): $1,000

EXCLUSIVE Hot Dog Station Sponsor (Limit - 1): $1,000

Golf Cart Sponsor (Limit - 3): $750

EXCLUSIVE Breakfast Sponsor (Limit - 1): $750

EXCLUSIVE Bloody Mary & Mimosa Bar Sponsor (Limit - 1): $500

(If you are not a dues-paying Member but one of your co-workers at your firm is, ask them to register you through their Membership profile to get Member rates. Contact the BOMA Staff to request a "Courtesy Invoice" to pay by check. Once the check is received and processed by staff, your registration or sponsorship will be complete. You are not considered registered or a sponsor until paid in full and processed. For faster service, pay by credit card 365/24/7.)

Hackberry Creek Country Club
1901 W. Royal Ln
Irving, TX 75063 United States
Event Contact
BOMA Greater Dallas
(214) 744-9020
Send Email
Monday, May 6, 2024 (7:00 AM - 5:30 PM) (CDT)
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