10.19.23 Chuckles for Commercial Real Estate
Thursday, October 19, 2023 (7:00 PM - 9:00 PM) (CDT)
As per Texas law, only individuals, LLCs*, partnerships*, and limited partnerships* can contribute to the PAC. Thus, we can only accept checks, credit cards, or cash from those entities.
We cannot accept corporate credit cards or corporate checks.
"Chuckles for CRE" Comedy Show - Benefiting the BOMA Greater Dallas PAC
The BOMA Greater Dallas Government Affairs Committee is excited to bring back the one event to make you ROTFL, the 3rd Annual Chuckles for CRE Comedy Show. This stand-up comedy event to benefit the BOMA Greater Dallas Political Action Committee will feature top Dallas-based comedians for your laughter and enjoyment.
As per Texas law, only individuals, LLCs*, partnerships*, and limited partnerships* can contribute to the PAC. Thus, we can only accept checks, credit cards, or cash from those entities.
We cannot accept corporate credit cards or corporate checks.
* A limited liability company (LLC), partnership, limited partnership, or any other form of business entity, may not make a political contribution in connection with Texas and local elections if the entity has any corporate ownership. Otherwise, it is permitted to make political contributions.
Happy Sponsor. No corporate funds.
Member Early Bird Discount by 10.10.23: $75.
Member Standard: $100.
As per Texas law, only individuals, LLCs*, partnerships*, and limited partnerships* can contribute to the PAC. Thus, we can only accept checks, credit cards, or cash from those entities.
We cannot accept corporate credit cards or corporate checks.
Happy Sponsor: $600 each.
We cannot accept corporate credit cards or corporate checks on this system. If your company wants to sponsor with corporate funds, please call the BOMA office at (214) 744-9020 to hand process your sponsorship. Thes funds WOULD NOT be donated to the PAC; but, instead, would be used for BOMA Greater Dallas administration and expenses.
(If you are not a dues-paying Member but one of your co-workers at your firm is, ask them to register you through their Membership profile to get Member rates).
14854 Montfort Dr.
Addison, TX 75254 United States