Allied Membership Waitlist


Allied Member Waitlist Application:

Since BOMA Greater Dallas maintains a 60% Commerical Real Estate Member to 40% Allied Member ratio, there is currently a Waitlist to join as an Allied Member.

Select An Option

Allied Candidate for Membership - Primary Member of a Company.

Allied Membership is available to individuals of organizations whose primary duties are to provide related services and/or equipment or goods used in the maintenance or operation of Commercial Real Estate. This category includes companies or individuals who place such services or equipment in Commercial Real Estate to be used by tenants.

There is currently a THREE + year waitlist to join BOMA Greater Dallas as an Allied Member. There is a $300 non-refundable application processing fee to be placed on the Allied Waitlist and a recurring annual $100 fee to stay on the Allied Waitlist ($400 the first year, $100 every additional year).

Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist