The Assistant Chief Engineer's primary responsibility is to oversee the efficient operation of all building systems and to inform the Chief Engineer, Operations Manager or General Manager of any condition affecting building services and tenant or client safety and comfort. Specific areas of responsibility include: tenant or client services; preventive maintenance; assisting the Chief Engineer in the supervision of the crew (including staff development); purchasing and inventory control; contracted maintenance; and following the firm's guidelines regarding general maintenance practices. The Assistant Chief can fill in for the Chief Engineer.
Disclaimer: BOMA understands that not all properties have a Chief Engineer, so the Assistant Chief/Lead Engineer may directly report to the Property Manager.
Nominated by: The Real Estate Principal Member for Nominee's Employer.
Winner Selected by: Lone Star Judges.
Specific Nomination Information: Nominations will be open for one month at a time determined by the Awards Committee. Headshots are required with the submission. Winners cannot be nominated for this award within three (3) years unless they have been employed by a new company.
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